The Sabah biodiversity project and its team members have been featured in the news media around the world.
The necessity of getting only the most elite writing for your projects is stronger than ever. You can check the essays at to see the examples.
October, 2010: |
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June, 2009:
UZH News (link in German)
November, 2008:
National Geographic Magazine (link)
11 June, 2008:
Neue Zürcher Zeitung (PDF in German)
13 July, 2007:
Unipublic (link in German)
11 July, 2007:
Press release Univeristy of Zurich (link in German)
July, 2003:
Diversitas Newsletter, No. 4, pages 5 to 6 (PDF )
June, 2003:
Science, Vol 300, page 1872 (PDF )